Saturday, 26 April 2014

Commission Unit- Filming The NoToMob and collecting actuality footage.

Today was a great day in terms of collecting footage for our documentary film piece. I awoke early to get the camera equipment ready for the shoot and make sure that all the required batteries were charged and that all the pieces of paper with information relating to the NoToMob were ready to be taken out.
I arrived at the meeting point at 9am, and contacted Sam Creamer (who would be assisting me on this shoot by operating the camera) to make sure that he was still able to join me, and I also made sure to get in contact with Bald Eagle of the NoToMob so that I could ask him when the members of the mob would be meeting me and what they looked like and how many of them their were so that I knew who I would be speaking to for the film.
The meet began with me explaining who Sam and I were, and what the purpose of our documentary film piece would be about and what kind of material we would be after for our film. After this, I began to create a discussion amongst the group to generate some conversation and get some answers to some questions. While this was happening, I directed Sam to record the group and to also make sure to collect lots of footage of the traffic etc to use when we are editing. This way we have lots of transitional shots.

An example of one of the transitional shots that we hope to use in our documentary. 
Whilst we we interviewing the NoToMob members, we managed to also capture some fantastic actuality footage. A member of the public was issued with an automatic ticket, and one of the members of the NoToMob (Monkey Girl)  rushed over to provide them with one of their cards, which contains a link to their online forum, which in turn contains advice on how to act against an unfair parking ticket issue.
Monkey Girl providing a member of the public with a card from the NoToMob
Obviously during the editing process it will be necessary to use a blur censor to cover the member of the public's identity and also the registration number of their car to protect their identity.

All in all, I believe that today has been a great day for collecting the material we needed to continue creating our documentary film piece, and we managed to collect answers for each of the questions that me and Andy had wanted to pitch to the mob. I am very much looking forward to overseeing the editing process, and I am also excited about seeing the final product.
I am sure it will not disappoint.
The NoToMob members that I met today.

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