Friday, 28 November 2014

Fiction Adaptation Unit- Final Script (Minus Inserted Poem)

I have recently completed my Fiction Adaptation script and have finalized a date for filming. I have chosen to film this coming Monday (1st of December 2014). The reason for this is that it gives me plenty of time to edit my film before the project submission which is the 12th of December, and it also gives me time to  re-shoot any scenes, should I need to due to mistakes etc.
In the past it has been necessary for me to do re-shoots because of the fact that there have been problems with the footage (members of the public in the background, non-suitable weather etc) which have caused problems during editing. Filming this early allows me plenty of time to quickly collect more footage if necessary.

The finished script for my film can be seen here:
You may notice that I have neglected to insert the lines of the poem; Anthem for a Doomed Youth into the script. This is intentional, and personally makes my job a lot easier. I feel like inserting the narrated lines of the poem into the film is something that would be a lot easier to just do during editing, as I don't have the ability to visualize where the lines will be spoken simply by looking at the script.
Once I have access to the edited footage however, I will know what kind of tone I want the lines spoken in, and also at what point I would like them to appear in the film.

I am however certain of where I want two of the poem's lines to appear in this poem though, and these are the lines "Only the monstrous anger of the guns" and "And each slow dusk, a drawing down of blinds" which will be spoken when the kettle clicks off knocking the character into a flash-forward, and when the bin lid closes slowly on the camera at the film's end respectively.
I think these are very effective uses of the poem's lines, but of course I will only know this for certain once I have the footage in front of me to edit.

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