Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Studio Production Unit- Finding Music and Mixing VT Sounds.

Once the VTs had gone through their final edits and were submitted to me, I prepared to insert the music I had found and change the sound levels so that they were consistent. Here are the completed VTs:

Luckilly the video editors had done a really good job editing the videos, and so I found them very easy to work with. I did make a small change in the body image VT however. I wanted the music I had chosen to sync up with the action that was happening on-screen, and so with the original editors permission, I shifted some of the clips around which gave a really nice effect with the clips changing to the pace of the piano music.

Altering the sound levels was actually quite a laborious task. Although not particularly difficult in any way, a lot of time had to be put into the task and a lot of re-watching the same clips over and over again until they sounded correct. Fortunately, once I had finished editing the sound levels, our producer, Sophie was happy with the end results, and so the clips were ready to be submitted on time.

From this experience, I have learnt the importance of having good quality sound. it doesn't matter if the video itself is perfect, if the sound that was captured is too quiet, too loud or distorted in any way, the viewers watching will immediately switch off and no longer be intrigued by what is happening on-screen.
This is also evidence that not everything can be "fixed in post" and highlights the fact that having good quality sound recording equipment on the day of the shoot is an important aspect in film making.

Altering the sound in Final Cut Pro.

1 comment:

  1. Good critical reflections - sound as you say is very hard to improve beyond a certain point! well done
